Thursday, May 31, 2018
Culture And Historical Background Of Kabba People Of Kogi State
Culture And Historical Background Of Kabba People Of Kogi State
Kabba kingdom is situated in the Northern hemisphere of the equatorial forests of Nigeria; somewhere around the beginning of the Savannah region. It can be classified as one of the gateway regions to the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja). Kabba serves as a junction of seven major roads from different parts of the country. The advantages of this central location are however not yet evident in its level of development but it has the trappings of a great kingdom with time.
Kabba kingdom is surrounded by mountains and green habitats which make up for a beautiful aerial view.
Kabba is a town in the western senatorial district of kogi state in Nigeria. Kogi state is a multiethnic state with three different tribes and Kabba is located in Okun (the yoruba speaking tribe of the state). Kabba people are referred to as “Owe” people.
More often than not, the story of how Kabba was established have caused controversies as there are different and conflicting accounts from different sectors of the community.
Some group of people claim that Kabba was established by three hunters who were brothers from Ile Ife and were looking for where to settle down after leaving Ile ife, they arrived at a location and decided to settle down there. After some time, they decided to move ahead for further exploration of their new home. They got to another location and decided to offload their belongings; they stayed there for some time but later moved further ahead in search of a better place to stay. The place they finally chose is the “Kabba” we have today.
However, they never forgot their first two settlements; they visited them from time to time and they referred to their first settlement as odo ilu which means “down town” in English Language. That first settlement is now referred to as “Odolu”.
Their second settlement was called “Katu” because that was where they first offloaded.
That is the reason Kabba town is today referred to as “Kabba Oloke Meta” which means (Kabba with three mountains). The three Mountain each representing Odolu, Katu and Kabba (the three settlements.
Another group opined that Kabba was established by a Saudi Arabia prince (known as Obaro Odide) over two thousands of years ago. The prince was said to have opted to leave the comfort of his home due to instability in the arid region. He was said to have settled in many places with his family during his trip before he chose to make “oke-aba” (now Kabba) his final destination.
It is important to note though that the Prince who finally arrived Kabba was not the same as started the journey. Due to the distance and ageing, the first “Odide” (Saudi Prince) died, his son (Odide II) took over and died along the line as well. The prince that finally chose to settle in Oke-aba was infact “Odide V”.
The latter account seems more tenable to me though because in the first prognosis, the early settlers were said to be hunters. Since they were hunters and not tourists, I see no reason they will travel from Ile-Ife to Kabba (over 4hrs by car) just to hunt; considering there were no other means of transportation other than trekking at that time. This means the journey would take take (if not months).
Clans and Hierarchy
It is pertinent to note that Kabba kingdom is divided into three major communities
1. Kabba
2. Katu
3. Odolu
Kabba community is made up of six clans, Katu has three clans while Odolu has five. In essence, Kabba kingdom is comprised of thirteen clans.
The founding father (Obaro Odide) automatically maintained supremacy over the whole of the kingdom during his lifetime. Not much have changed in the traditional hierarchy of Kabba kingdom as his direct descendants who make up the Ilajo clan have maintained the status of the royal family. The Ilajo ruling family is made up of three houses (Mokelu house, Ajinuhi House and Ajibohokun House). The title of Obaro of Kabba was rotated among these three houses.
The supremacy of the Ilajo Royal Family was however put in jeopardy in 1960 after Oba D. O Aka who wasn’t a member of the ruling (Ilajo) family succeeded Obaro Atobatele Ologbonyo Arokoyo as Obaro of Kabba. He reigned for twenty-two years and after his demise, power was returned to the Ilajo Royal family.
Worthy of note is the fact that Kabba operates a tripodal traditional ruling system which is made up of The Obaro, The Obadofin, The Obajemu.
The Obaro is the overall head and is saddled with the responsibility of appointing the two others.
The Obaro is produced by the Ilajo Royal Family in Kabba, Odolu people produce the Obadofin and Otu produces the Obajemu.
Kabba kingdom has been ruled by a total of twenty three “Obaros” till date. Twenty-two of who were said to be produced by Ilajo clan while one emerged from the “Akumejila” clan. Akumejila means twelve clans. The clan is said to be a coalition of twelve of the thirteen clans in Kabba kingdom with the Ilajo clan on another side.
Traditional Titles
Kabba traditional titles are classified into three main groups
1. The Igemo 2. The Orota and 3. The ololu.
All regular traditional titles in kabba fall in this category. People who are bestowed with Igemo titles are referred to as “red cap chiefs”. This is because Igemo title holders wear small red caps called “Odi” in Kabba. All chiefs are accorded high level of respect by the community people. The Igemos however are like the lower house chamber in the traditional council of Kabba Kingdom.
These set of chiefs are above the “Igemo chiefs” in the pecking order as they boast of two traditional titles each. They also wear longer red caps than the “Igemo” to show their supremacy. Orota chiefs are believed to possess supernatural powers which makes them capable of communing with the dead and spiritual beings. For this reason, they are not only highly respected but sometimes feared.
The Obaro is the bearer of the “ololu” title which means “owner of the town”. He is all superior and is saddled with the responsibility of bestowing titles on all chiefs and Orotas. He chooses who gets what and his supremacy can never be questioned.
The indigenous dialect of Kabba people is referred to as “Owe”. Owe dialect is a subdivision of Okun language ; which itself is a division of Yoruba language. In other words, Yoruba language birthed Okun language and Okun language in turn birthed Owe dialect. As a result of this, Kabba people understand and speak the general Yoruba Language effortlessly.
This affiliation with Yoruba means an average Yoruba man can understand (to some extent) the Owe dialect if rapt attention is given to it.
However, civilisation has altered the Owe dialect in some ways as very few indigenes of Kabba speak the indigenous owe dialect these days. What we have now is a concatenation of Owe and general Yoruba dialects.
Below is a list of common household items and their indigenous names in Owe dialect.
– Salt = oun
– Spoon = Ìyanję
– Big spoons = ípøn
– Shea butter = Èkùmę
– Cup = Ìlemù or Ikere
– Cutlasses = Abęri, Ògòdøn,
– Water pot = àmù
– pot = isa
– Slippers = Ęda
-broken mud pot= apade.
-knife = Uhin or Ihindo
The list continues.
Much like the totality of the language itself, this aspect has not been unaffected by the waves of civilisation or coexistence with other cultures.
Below are some of the basic greetings and common words in typical owe dialect.
Good morning ====> Kouro
Good Afternoon ===> Køhøn
Good Evening =====> Kurølę
Goodnight =======> Odoorø
Well done ========> Kigba
Welcome =========> Kabø
Thank you =======> seun/kuwømi
Till then==========> Odokorin
How are you =====> Are wø
Where to? ========> Kayada? Or Kawęre?
Mother ==========> Iye or mønø
Come and eat =====> A jęun
What did you say? => Kwa hø?
Yes===============> eh or Bę kø.
Sorry =============okun (it is however important to note that the word “okun” is a general greeting and can be used in many varying situations or ways).
Go================> rè/arè
Leave==============> høko
Get up ============> kalę
Sleep =============> hun
Jump==============> tø
More to come
NB: It is a common thing for people attach d “ę” prefix to some of the above words when the are used to refer to people older than them. This is however wrong as the original Kabba dialect doesn’t implement respect but the culture does.
Food and Delicacies
Kabba people like every other gave some special delicacies and meals perculiar to them only. These meals were passed down from the early dwellers and are still prepared till date; though some are not so common.
Some of such meals include :
This is a very common delicacy among Kabba people and it is prepared with beans. Beans is boiled and sieved dry and then fried with palm oil; adding salt to taste.
Akara papa
This delicacy is prepared by grinding Guinea corn with water to form pasty substance. The paste is then fried in palm oil after being shaped with bare hands.
This is a form of beans cake but it is fried with palm kernel oil.
Other local delicacies are akara gbado, didin kolo, bobolo, tankelekan and many more.
Festivals and memorable days
There are many festivals celebrated in Kabba but only a few a very popular. They are
-oro festival
-Egun festival
-new yam festival
-Kabba day
Marriage has always been a very cherished ceremony in Kabba kingdom. In the days of old, whenever a female child is born, they stay a short while with their parents before the parents decide to send them to relatives to serve as foster family. This act was to train the child more and help her learn to adapt to new environment and people.
If any man developed interest in a girl and intends to marry her, he starts by giving her gift items in a bid to get her to like him. By default, the girl first rejects the advances in order not to look cheap. The man on the other hand is expected to persevere till the girl starts getting comfortable with him. The man then starts visiting the family of his wife to be; giving her parents gifts and sometimes money. This is to prove to the girl’s parents that he is serious and financially stable enough to cater for their daughter. The girl’s parents then conduct underground checks on the man’s character, family background and other things to determine if he is worth their daughter. If he scales through the test, he is allowed to bring his parents to seek their daughter’s hand in marriage.
The man (with his family) then visits the girl’s parents with big tubers of yam, wine and kola nuts to make their intentions known. The oracle is consulted to determine the date best suited for the wedding ceremony and to enquire whether the ceremony should be low keyed or glamorous.
After the wedding ceremony, a young girl from the (called Olosumeta) from the bride’s family follows the bride to her new home for three months. This is to prevent the shock of suddenly losing total contact with her family. The young girl returns home after three months.
Historical events
Kabba town boasts of a big archive of historical events but I will pick on only two.
Legend has it that in 1936, a particular man was driving through Kabba and he was obstructed by Kabba Youths who were celebrating a festival; the man was alleged to have threatened to arrest all of them. Later in the evening of that same day, all the youths were alleged to have decided to leave the town; nobody seem to understand the reason for their action.
An elder of the community *name withheld* was said to have pursued them on a horse and eventually brought them back to the town.
In another development, history has it that some people in times past were regularly terrorising Kabba people. Each time the people came, Kabba people would run up a hill while their attackers chased after them. The elders of Kabba were said to sought diabolical help to combat the invaders. One fateful day, the invaders came as usual but as they very chasing Kabba people up hill as usual, the elders ordered an attachment of the rock to fight for them. This attachment was said to have rolled in the direction of the invaders, killing them all.
However, it was alleged that after the operation, the rock couldn’t return to it’s position. It remained on land but has no root. The rock is said to be there till date. The scene of this mass slaughter is called ÌLØHÌN.
Entertainment and pass times
Kabba people have indigenous ways of catching fun. They include
-erin aghere
-ibo tita
-ijó àgùrà
-Igø jijo
-ayo tita
-Ogun e.t.c
Kabba kingdom is situated in the Northern hemisphere of the equatorial forests of Nigeria; somewhere around the beginning of the Savannah region. It can be classified as one of the gateway regions to the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja). Kabba serves as a junction of seven major roads from different parts of the country. The advantages of this central location are however not yet evident in its level of development but it has the trappings of a great kingdom with time.
Kabba kingdom is surrounded by mountains and green habitats which make up for a beautiful aerial view.
Kabba is a town in the western senatorial district of kogi state in Nigeria. Kogi state is a multiethnic state with three different tribes and Kabba is located in Okun (the yoruba speaking tribe of the state). Kabba people are referred to as “Owe” people.
More often than not, the story of how Kabba was established have caused controversies as there are different and conflicting accounts from different sectors of the community.
Some group of people claim that Kabba was established by three hunters who were brothers from Ile Ife and were looking for where to settle down after leaving Ile ife, they arrived at a location and decided to settle down there. After some time, they decided to move ahead for further exploration of their new home. They got to another location and decided to offload their belongings; they stayed there for some time but later moved further ahead in search of a better place to stay. The place they finally chose is the “Kabba” we have today.
However, they never forgot their first two settlements; they visited them from time to time and they referred to their first settlement as odo ilu which means “down town” in English Language. That first settlement is now referred to as “Odolu”.
Their second settlement was called “Katu” because that was where they first offloaded.
That is the reason Kabba town is today referred to as “Kabba Oloke Meta” which means (Kabba with three mountains). The three Mountain each representing Odolu, Katu and Kabba (the three settlements.
Another group opined that Kabba was established by a Saudi Arabia prince (known as Obaro Odide) over two thousands of years ago. The prince was said to have opted to leave the comfort of his home due to instability in the arid region. He was said to have settled in many places with his family during his trip before he chose to make “oke-aba” (now Kabba) his final destination.
It is important to note though that the Prince who finally arrived Kabba was not the same as started the journey. Due to the distance and ageing, the first “Odide” (Saudi Prince) died, his son (Odide II) took over and died along the line as well. The prince that finally chose to settle in Oke-aba was infact “Odide V”.
The latter account seems more tenable to me though because in the first prognosis, the early settlers were said to be hunters. Since they were hunters and not tourists, I see no reason they will travel from Ile-Ife to Kabba (over 4hrs by car) just to hunt; considering there were no other means of transportation other than trekking at that time. This means the journey would take take (if not months).
Clans and Hierarchy
It is pertinent to note that Kabba kingdom is divided into three major communities
1. Kabba
2. Katu
3. Odolu
Kabba community is made up of six clans, Katu has three clans while Odolu has five. In essence, Kabba kingdom is comprised of thirteen clans.
The founding father (Obaro Odide) automatically maintained supremacy over the whole of the kingdom during his lifetime. Not much have changed in the traditional hierarchy of Kabba kingdom as his direct descendants who make up the Ilajo clan have maintained the status of the royal family. The Ilajo ruling family is made up of three houses (Mokelu house, Ajinuhi House and Ajibohokun House). The title of Obaro of Kabba was rotated among these three houses.
The supremacy of the Ilajo Royal Family was however put in jeopardy in 1960 after Oba D. O Aka who wasn’t a member of the ruling (Ilajo) family succeeded Obaro Atobatele Ologbonyo Arokoyo as Obaro of Kabba. He reigned for twenty-two years and after his demise, power was returned to the Ilajo Royal family.
Worthy of note is the fact that Kabba operates a tripodal traditional ruling system which is made up of The Obaro, The Obadofin, The Obajemu.
The Obaro is the overall head and is saddled with the responsibility of appointing the two others.
The Obaro is produced by the Ilajo Royal Family in Kabba, Odolu people produce the Obadofin and Otu produces the Obajemu.
Kabba kingdom has been ruled by a total of twenty three “Obaros” till date. Twenty-two of who were said to be produced by Ilajo clan while one emerged from the “Akumejila” clan. Akumejila means twelve clans. The clan is said to be a coalition of twelve of the thirteen clans in Kabba kingdom with the Ilajo clan on another side.
Traditional Titles
Kabba traditional titles are classified into three main groups
1. The Igemo 2. The Orota and 3. The ololu.
All regular traditional titles in kabba fall in this category. People who are bestowed with Igemo titles are referred to as “red cap chiefs”. This is because Igemo title holders wear small red caps called “Odi” in Kabba. All chiefs are accorded high level of respect by the community people. The Igemos however are like the lower house chamber in the traditional council of Kabba Kingdom.
These set of chiefs are above the “Igemo chiefs” in the pecking order as they boast of two traditional titles each. They also wear longer red caps than the “Igemo” to show their supremacy. Orota chiefs are believed to possess supernatural powers which makes them capable of communing with the dead and spiritual beings. For this reason, they are not only highly respected but sometimes feared.
The Obaro is the bearer of the “ololu” title which means “owner of the town”. He is all superior and is saddled with the responsibility of bestowing titles on all chiefs and Orotas. He chooses who gets what and his supremacy can never be questioned.
The indigenous dialect of Kabba people is referred to as “Owe”. Owe dialect is a subdivision of Okun language ; which itself is a division of Yoruba language. In other words, Yoruba language birthed Okun language and Okun language in turn birthed Owe dialect. As a result of this, Kabba people understand and speak the general Yoruba Language effortlessly.
This affiliation with Yoruba means an average Yoruba man can understand (to some extent) the Owe dialect if rapt attention is given to it.
However, civilisation has altered the Owe dialect in some ways as very few indigenes of Kabba speak the indigenous owe dialect these days. What we have now is a concatenation of Owe and general Yoruba dialects.
Below is a list of common household items and their indigenous names in Owe dialect.
– Salt = oun
– Spoon = Ìyanję
– Big spoons = ípøn
– Shea butter = Èkùmę
– Cup = Ìlemù or Ikere
– Cutlasses = Abęri, Ògòdøn,
– Water pot = àmù
– pot = isa
– Slippers = Ęda
-broken mud pot= apade.
-knife = Uhin or Ihindo
The list continues.
Much like the totality of the language itself, this aspect has not been unaffected by the waves of civilisation or coexistence with other cultures.
Below are some of the basic greetings and common words in typical owe dialect.
Good morning ====> Kouro
Good Afternoon ===> Køhøn
Good Evening =====> Kurølę
Goodnight =======> Odoorø
Well done ========> Kigba
Welcome =========> Kabø
Thank you =======> seun/kuwømi
Till then==========> Odokorin
How are you =====> Are wø
Where to? ========> Kayada? Or Kawęre?
Mother ==========> Iye or mønø
Come and eat =====> A jęun
What did you say? => Kwa hø?
Yes===============> eh or Bę kø.
Sorry =============okun (it is however important to note that the word “okun” is a general greeting and can be used in many varying situations or ways).
Go================> rè/arè
Leave==============> høko
Get up ============> kalę
Sleep =============> hun
Jump==============> tø
More to come
NB: It is a common thing for people attach d “ę” prefix to some of the above words when the are used to refer to people older than them. This is however wrong as the original Kabba dialect doesn’t implement respect but the culture does.
Food and Delicacies
Kabba people like every other gave some special delicacies and meals perculiar to them only. These meals were passed down from the early dwellers and are still prepared till date; though some are not so common.
Some of such meals include :
This is a very common delicacy among Kabba people and it is prepared with beans. Beans is boiled and sieved dry and then fried with palm oil; adding salt to taste.
Akara papa
This delicacy is prepared by grinding Guinea corn with water to form pasty substance. The paste is then fried in palm oil after being shaped with bare hands.
This is a form of beans cake but it is fried with palm kernel oil.
Other local delicacies are akara gbado, didin kolo, bobolo, tankelekan and many more.
Festivals and memorable days
There are many festivals celebrated in Kabba but only a few a very popular. They are
-oro festival
-Egun festival
-new yam festival
-Kabba day
Marriage has always been a very cherished ceremony in Kabba kingdom. In the days of old, whenever a female child is born, they stay a short while with their parents before the parents decide to send them to relatives to serve as foster family. This act was to train the child more and help her learn to adapt to new environment and people.
If any man developed interest in a girl and intends to marry her, he starts by giving her gift items in a bid to get her to like him. By default, the girl first rejects the advances in order not to look cheap. The man on the other hand is expected to persevere till the girl starts getting comfortable with him. The man then starts visiting the family of his wife to be; giving her parents gifts and sometimes money. This is to prove to the girl’s parents that he is serious and financially stable enough to cater for their daughter. The girl’s parents then conduct underground checks on the man’s character, family background and other things to determine if he is worth their daughter. If he scales through the test, he is allowed to bring his parents to seek their daughter’s hand in marriage.
The man (with his family) then visits the girl’s parents with big tubers of yam, wine and kola nuts to make their intentions known. The oracle is consulted to determine the date best suited for the wedding ceremony and to enquire whether the ceremony should be low keyed or glamorous.
After the wedding ceremony, a young girl from the (called Olosumeta) from the bride’s family follows the bride to her new home for three months. This is to prevent the shock of suddenly losing total contact with her family. The young girl returns home after three months.
Historical events
Kabba town boasts of a big archive of historical events but I will pick on only two.
Legend has it that in 1936, a particular man was driving through Kabba and he was obstructed by Kabba Youths who were celebrating a festival; the man was alleged to have threatened to arrest all of them. Later in the evening of that same day, all the youths were alleged to have decided to leave the town; nobody seem to understand the reason for their action.
An elder of the community *name withheld* was said to have pursued them on a horse and eventually brought them back to the town.
In another development, history has it that some people in times past were regularly terrorising Kabba people. Each time the people came, Kabba people would run up a hill while their attackers chased after them. The elders of Kabba were said to sought diabolical help to combat the invaders. One fateful day, the invaders came as usual but as they very chasing Kabba people up hill as usual, the elders ordered an attachment of the rock to fight for them. This attachment was said to have rolled in the direction of the invaders, killing them all.
However, it was alleged that after the operation, the rock couldn’t return to it’s position. It remained on land but has no root. The rock is said to be there till date. The scene of this mass slaughter is called ÌLØHÌN.
Entertainment and pass times
Kabba people have indigenous ways of catching fun. They include
-erin aghere
-ibo tita
-ijó àgùrà
-Igø jijo
-ayo tita
-Ogun e.t.c
History Of Ogori And Magongo In Kogi State
History Of Ogori And Magongo In Kogi State
by toyinakomolafe
by toyinakomolafe
Ogori is a peculiar ethnic minority that has played and continues to play significant roles in all aspects of human and national development. One of the prominent geographical features in Ogori is a chain of hills running east-west connecting Ogori and magongo.
Ogori people whos local name is OKO.
The commonly accepted position on the history of ogori is that the community is birthed by the descendants of AKINBUYI, a prince of the ILE IFE, the cradle of the Yoruba race who Migrated to the environment where the community is presently situated.
The emergence of ogori descendants’ Union have been fulfilling in the role of unifying and in promoting developmental activities corporately and through individual members.
These organisations have helped over the years in sustaining the cultural heritage of their communities like the coming of age ceremony known as OVIA OSESE and its accompanying festivals which have become tourist attractions in ogori.
The Ovia Osese is a way of extolling and sustains the virtues of a womanhood of the people of ogori.
That of males are of two sorts namely, EKON MO ORIRE and the AKARA OSI SORE, which is basically a display of skills on how to fry akara balls with very little materls. Both activities of the males are to test their dexterity and intergellence.
A lot can be said about the uniqueness of Ogori people, it will be unfair not to mention their flair for educations. This is the land of professors, doctors and academics to name a few.
Fill free to visit when in the area and most especially during the OVIA OSESE. You will be happy you came.
Oludo from Ile-Ife is the first settler in Magongo about 500 years ago. The town derived its name from Unagogo,one of the son of Oludo. After then the Land started to grow bigger and bigger. Magongo is well known to be the town that accepts visitors. And God keeps blessing us with great leders.
Magongo Community in Kogi State of Nigeria is on geographical Coordinates:7°29'N 6°13'E. Occupying land mass of about 30sq mile. The population size of 1996 census of the federal republic of Nigeria put the population figure of the local government at about 39,000.
Our culture is very rich among which are the famous Owiya Osese.
The paramount ruler is Olumagongo of Magongo. important High and Lesser Chiefs are known as Ekekaro and Otaru in Magongo respectively. The music dance include eregba, okeni, igo,ishoko and more importantly iyaresen while the festivals include igilofifi,ikpen,eya ojija.
Ogori is a peculiar ethnic minority that has played and continues to play significant roles in all aspects of human and national development. One of the prominent geographical features in Ogori is a chain of hills running east-west connecting Ogori and magongo.
Ogori people whos local name is OKO.
The commonly accepted position on the history of ogori is that the community is birthed by the descendants of AKINBUYI, a prince of the ILE IFE, the cradle of the Yoruba race who Migrated to the environment where the community is presently situated.
The emergence of ogori descendants’ Union have been fulfilling in the role of unifying and in promoting developmental activities corporately and through individual members.
These organisations have helped over the years in sustaining the cultural heritage of their communities like the coming of age ceremony known as OVIA OSESE and its accompanying festivals which have become tourist attractions in ogori.
The Ovia Osese is a way of extolling and sustains the virtues of a womanhood of the people of ogori.
That of males are of two sorts namely, EKON MO ORIRE and the AKARA OSI SORE, which is basically a display of skills on how to fry akara balls with very little materls. Both activities of the males are to test their dexterity and intergellence.
A lot can be said about the uniqueness of Ogori people, it will be unfair not to mention their flair for educations. This is the land of professors, doctors and academics to name a few.
Fill free to visit when in the area and most especially during the OVIA OSESE. You will be happy you came.
Oludo from Ile-Ife is the first settler in Magongo about 500 years ago. The town derived its name from Unagogo,one of the son of Oludo. After then the Land started to grow bigger and bigger. Magongo is well known to be the town that accepts visitors. And God keeps blessing us with great leders.
Magongo Community in Kogi State of Nigeria is on geographical Coordinates:7°29'N 6°13'E. Occupying land mass of about 30sq mile. The population size of 1996 census of the federal republic of Nigeria put the population figure of the local government at about 39,000.
Our culture is very rich among which are the famous Owiya Osese.
The paramount ruler is Olumagongo of Magongo. important High and Lesser Chiefs are known as Ekekaro and Otaru in Magongo respectively. The music dance include eregba, okeni, igo,ishoko and more importantly iyaresen while the festivals include igilofifi,ikpen,eya ojija.
A Brief History Of OKUN - The Yorubas In Kogi State.
A Brief History Of OKUN - The Yorubas In Kogi State.
1. Diversity of the state
Due to the abundance of great ethnic diversity which makes Kogi state a cultural hub with a huge number of ethnic groups like Ebira, Igala, and other minorities like Bassa, a small fraction of Nupe mainly in Lokoja and Bassa Local Government Area, the
Ogugu subgroup of the Igala, Gwari, Kakanda, Oworo people (A Yoruba Group), Ogori, Bassa komo, and Magongo.
Also including the Eggan and Hausa community under Lokoja Local Government.
2. Boundries
Another great factor that may have shaped the Okun people is that Kogi state shares boundaries with a total number of ten states which are; Ondo, Ekiti, Kwara, Niger, Benue, Nassarawa, Anambra, Enugu, Edo and the Federal capital territory.
3. History
History has has also played its part in shaping the Okun identity. Therefore, Nupe wars of the 19th century and interaction with the Hausas due to geographical zoning have left an indelible
mark on the Okun people and their way of life.
According to oral source, Okun people migrated from Ile Ife, the cradle of the Yoruba race when Yorubas were spreading to occupy more lands, before spreading out, each and everyone was instructed to report to Ile Ife for a yearly meeting.
The man, that led a group of young people to a location (now called YAGBA) in Kogi state did not return over a long period of time.
When he eventually returned and explained that he lost larger part of his acquired land to some other migrants.
He was blamed for the loss and he said in yoruba, ''ÌYÀ ÀGBÀ LÓ JEMÍ'' meaning that invasion of his acqured land was due to lack of having elderly people with him.
Since then, they started mocking him at Ile Ife, calling him Iya agba. They associated this name with him whenever they wanted to send
messages across to him after returning to his occupied area, now called Yagba.
Over the years, Okun people faced numerous challenges, ranging from geo political zoning, marginalisation and problem of identity. Their problem started during the colonial era when they were
politically ceded to the Northern protectorate by Lord Lugard, the Governor-General of Nigeria. The abolition of the provincial and
regional administrative units in 1967 led to their merging with Ilorin to form old Kwara state.
Then, Igala was merged with old Benue State. However, on 27th of august 1991, Okun people was removed again and merged with Ebira, Igala from Benue state and some other
tribes to form Kogi state.
Okun indigenes moved against merging them with completely different tribes but they were forced into this marriage.
Their efforts to break away and form Okun State, which could make it possible for them to be more closer to their Kiths and Kins in the South West, failed to materialise. Concerning Identity problem.
Okun people bear Typical Yoruba names like Edo people, lots of them speak yoruba and many of their settlements are named in Yoruba language such as:
Egbeda Ega
Oke-aba (Kabba)
Odo Ere,
Odo Eri
Igbo Nla
Obajana and
Even, groups that make up Bunupeople of Okun are Okemeta, Okemesan, Akumerindinlogun and Kiri groups.
Some notable Okun indegenes are:
Smart Adeyemi
James Faleke
Shola Amoebi
Caardinaal Onayekaan
Tunde E dnut
Dino Melaye
Nike Davies Okundaye
Sam Allle
Bayo Ojo
Ty bello
Dare arts Alade
Suday Bada
juwon oshaniwa
The word "Okun" is a generic term used to describe the Yoruba descendants in Kogi state.
Kogi is a multi ethnic and diverse state, and Okun people make up over 20% of the entire population of the state. Which is about 662809 out of 3,314,043, according to 2006 census figures.
Okun spread across six local government areas in Kogi State, which are; Kabba-Bunu, Yagba-West, Yagba-East, Mopa-Muro, Ìjùmú and Lokoja local government Areas.
They speak various Yoruba dialects…Owé, Ìyàgbà, Ìjùmú,
Bùnú and Oworo, but their language is generally called Okun.
One beauty of this is that, if you are not an Okun person, you might not be able to figure out the slight differences in the dialects because every speaker flaunts his dialect at will, with full confidence that the other Okun person will understand without stress. Which is true.
More so, almost all of them speak the common Yoruba fluently even without ever stepping foot out of Kogi.....Isn't that interesting.
Their dialects and way of life is largely influenced by
various reasons. Such as:
Kogi is a multi ethnic and diverse state, and Okun people make up over 20% of the entire population of the state. Which is about 662809 out of 3,314,043, according to 2006 census figures.
Okun spread across six local government areas in Kogi State, which are; Kabba-Bunu, Yagba-West, Yagba-East, Mopa-Muro, Ìjùmú and Lokoja local government Areas.
They speak various Yoruba dialects…Owé, Ìyàgbà, Ìjùmú,
Bùnú and Oworo, but their language is generally called Okun.
One beauty of this is that, if you are not an Okun person, you might not be able to figure out the slight differences in the dialects because every speaker flaunts his dialect at will, with full confidence that the other Okun person will understand without stress. Which is true.
More so, almost all of them speak the common Yoruba fluently even without ever stepping foot out of Kogi.....Isn't that interesting.
Their dialects and way of life is largely influenced by
various reasons. Such as:
1. Diversity of the state
Due to the abundance of great ethnic diversity which makes Kogi state a cultural hub with a huge number of ethnic groups like Ebira, Igala, and other minorities like Bassa, a small fraction of Nupe mainly in Lokoja and Bassa Local Government Area, the
Ogugu subgroup of the Igala, Gwari, Kakanda, Oworo people (A Yoruba Group), Ogori, Bassa komo, and Magongo.
Also including the Eggan and Hausa community under Lokoja Local Government.
2. Boundries
Another great factor that may have shaped the Okun people is that Kogi state shares boundaries with a total number of ten states which are; Ondo, Ekiti, Kwara, Niger, Benue, Nassarawa, Anambra, Enugu, Edo and the Federal capital territory.
3. History
History has has also played its part in shaping the Okun identity. Therefore, Nupe wars of the 19th century and interaction with the Hausas due to geographical zoning have left an indelible
mark on the Okun people and their way of life.
According to oral source, Okun people migrated from Ile Ife, the cradle of the Yoruba race when Yorubas were spreading to occupy more lands, before spreading out, each and everyone was instructed to report to Ile Ife for a yearly meeting.
The man, that led a group of young people to a location (now called YAGBA) in Kogi state did not return over a long period of time.
When he eventually returned and explained that he lost larger part of his acquired land to some other migrants.
He was blamed for the loss and he said in yoruba, ''ÌYÀ ÀGBÀ LÓ JEMÍ'' meaning that invasion of his acqured land was due to lack of having elderly people with him.
Since then, they started mocking him at Ile Ife, calling him Iya agba. They associated this name with him whenever they wanted to send
messages across to him after returning to his occupied area, now called Yagba.
Over the years, Okun people faced numerous challenges, ranging from geo political zoning, marginalisation and problem of identity. Their problem started during the colonial era when they were
politically ceded to the Northern protectorate by Lord Lugard, the Governor-General of Nigeria. The abolition of the provincial and
regional administrative units in 1967 led to their merging with Ilorin to form old Kwara state.
Then, Igala was merged with old Benue State. However, on 27th of august 1991, Okun people was removed again and merged with Ebira, Igala from Benue state and some other
tribes to form Kogi state.
Okun indigenes moved against merging them with completely different tribes but they were forced into this marriage.
Their efforts to break away and form Okun State, which could make it possible for them to be more closer to their Kiths and Kins in the South West, failed to materialise. Concerning Identity problem.
Okun people bear Typical Yoruba names like Edo people, lots of them speak yoruba and many of their settlements are named in Yoruba language such as:
Egbeda Ega
Oke-aba (Kabba)
Odo Ere,
Odo Eri
Igbo Nla
Obajana and
Even, groups that make up Bunupeople of Okun are Okemeta, Okemesan, Akumerindinlogun and Kiri groups.
Some notable Okun indegenes are:
Smart Adeyemi
James Faleke
Shola Amoebi
Caardinaal Onayekaan
Tunde E dnut
Dino Melaye
Nike Davies Okundaye
Sam Allle
Bayo Ojo
Ty bello
Dare arts Alade
Suday Bada
juwon oshaniwa
Kogi State – "Confluence State" Brief Information
Kogi State – "Confluence State"

The state was formed in 1991 from parts of Kwara State and Benue State with the administrative headquarters in Lokoja. The state is presently made up of the defunct Kabba Province of Northern Nigeria. The state which is structured into 21 LGA’s comprises of three major ethnic groups i.e. Igala, Ebira and Okun (Yoruba) other minor groups include – Bassa Komo, Bassa Nge, Kakanda, Kupa, Ogori-Magongo, Nupe, Oworo, Gwari etc. It was in Lokoja that the name Nigeria was coined by Flora Shaw – later addressed as Flora Lugard after she married Lord Lugard who was a British colonial administrator – while gazing out at the river that stretched before her in the late 19th century.
People & Culture
Ebira, Igala, Nupe and Yoruba are the major languages widely spoken in the state while other languages are considered to be minority. Farming is the main occupation of the people of the state and crops produced include cassava, yam, rice, maize, guinea corn, beans, soya beans, asha and millet. The state is blessed with precious mineral resources like columbite, coal and aquamarine.
[tab: Geography] Kogi State is bounded to the east by Nassarawa State, to the south by Enugu, Anambra and Edo States, to the west by Ondo, Ekiti and Kwara States and to the north by Niger, Abuja and Nassarawa States. The state has a land area of 29,833km. Kogi state has a total land area of 28,313.53 square kilometres and a projected population of 3.3 million people. It lies on latitude 7.49oN and longitude 6.45oE with a geological feature depicting young sedimentary rocks and alluvium along the riverbeds, which promotes agricultural activities. The state features ferrasols soil type and famous hills like ososo hills, which spread from Edo State to the western part of Kogi State and aporo hill on the eastern part. Another famous mountain is Mount Patti, which lies in Lokoja and stands at about 750 metres above sea level.

Kogi State has an average maximum temperature of 33.2°C and average minimum of 22.8°C. Lokoja, the state capital is generally hot throughout the year. The state has two distinct weather viz dry season, which lasts from November to February and rain season that lasts from March to October. Annual rainfall ranges from 1016mm to 1524mm. The vegetation of the state consist of mixed leguminous (guinea) woodland to forest savannah. Wide expanse of fadama in the river basing and long stretches of tropical forest in the Western and Southern belt of the state.
Cities & Towns
Other important cities and towns include Lokoja, Kabba, Okene, Idah, Koton-karfe, Dekina and Ayingba. [tab: Attractions] The Inikpe Statue: This statue was commissioned as the greatest reminder of the bravery of INIKPE, the daughter of the first Attah of Igala Kingdom who gave her life for the freedom of her people the IGALAS.
World War Cenotaph, Lokoja: The cenotaph was built in memory of soldiers who lost their lives during the Second World War. This is a massive concrete block on top of which is mounted an old artillery. Beside it are light cannons and machine guns mounted on small pavements and the names of the soldiers who distinguished themselves during the wars were written on tables mounted on the side of the cenotaph.
Osome Falls: Located in Ukpogo, Osome is a stream that winds its way through vast igneous rocks of varying heights and sharply descends into a valley about 50m below the towering rocks, producing thunderous sounds which could be heard about one hundred metres away.
Lord Luggard’s Residence & Office: This is the official residence and office of Lord Fredrick Luggard, the first colonial Governor General of Nigeria. The materials used in the construction of his official residence and office were imported from England.
Mount Patti, Lokoja: This is a massive hill towering over Lokoja with about 15sqkm flat top where on could see the confluence point of River Niger and River Benue.
The Iron Liberty: Located in Lokoja near the banks of River Niger, this is an important centre for slave trade during slavery era in Nigeria. It also the path through which the European explorers and missionaries in the early 19th century settled in the country.
Confluence of River Niger & Benue: River Niger remained a marvel to the Europeans until John and Richard Landers passed through the confluence in 1830, completing the journey that Mungo Park had earlier started. Rivers Niger and Benue are the two largest rivers in West Africa and the two rivers meet at Lokoja forming a Y-shaped structure and draining southwards into the ocean.. While River Niger is brownish in colour, River Benue is light green in colour. Fishing is carried on extensively on the rivers. There are ferry and boat services plus cruishing facilities within view of the confluence.
European Cemeteries: The biggest European cementary in Nigeria with remains of european soldiers of the West African Frontier Force (WAFF) in Lokoja until 1926 and those of European missionaries. Some of the tomb stones in the cementaries date as far back as 1867.
Holy Trinity School, Lokoja: The school which was founded by the famous Bishop Ajayi Crowther in 1860, is the first primary school in Northern Nigeria. The pyramidal block of classrooms erected since its inception are still in place. The compound also houses the framed Iron of Liberty which slaves touched to regain their freedom.
Awo Tunnel: The tunnel which is about one kilometer long was dug during the reign of Onoja Obani and it serves as a hiding place for the royal family during the wars in Idah.
Koton-Karifi : Located in Okene and about 20 miles north of the confluence of the river Niger and Benue, Koton Karifi is a paradise for fishing where the locals come to fish.
Late Atta of Ebira’s Palace: Built in 1927, the palace was constructed with the combination of ancient and modern architecture.
Agbaja Plateau: Located around 14 kilometres from Lokoja, the hill is 335 to 366m above the sea level and it is a nice spot for picnic and mountaineering.
Kogi State
Nickname(s): The Confluence State | |
![]() Location of Kogi State in Nigeria |
Coordinates: ![]() ![]() |
Country | ![]() |
Date created | 27 August 1991 |
Capital | Lokoja |
Government | |
• Governor | Yahaya Bello (APC) |
• Deputy Governor | Simon Achuba |
• Senators | Isaac Alfa Ahmed Ogembe Dino Melaye |
Area | |
• Total | 29,833 km2 (11,519 sq mi) |
Area rank | 13th of 36 |
Population (2006 census) | |
• Total | 3,314,043 |
• Rank | 24th of 36 |
Demonym(s) | Kogite |
GDP (PPP) | |
• Year | 2007 |
• Total | $4.64 million |
• Per capita | $1,386 |
Time zone | WAT (UTC+01) |
ISO 3166 code | NG-KO |
Agriculture is a main part of the economy, and the state also has coal, steel and other mineral industries.
The main ethnic groups are Igala, Ebira, and Okun.
Adjacent States
- Federal Capital Territory (Nigeria) – to the north
- Nasarawa State – to the north east
- Benue State – to the east
- Enugu State – to the south east
- Anambra State – to the south
- Edo State – to the south west
- Ondo State – to the west
- Ekiti State – to the west
- Kwara State – to the west
- Niger State – to the north

History and people
The state was created in 1991 from parts of Kwara State and Benue State. The state as presently constituted, comprises the people of the Kabba Province of Northern Nigeria. One of the first Qadi in the Kogi State was Faruk Imam.

There are three main ethnic groups and languages in Kogi: Igala, Ebira, and Okun (a Yoruba Group) with other such as Bassa-Nge, a people of Nupe extraction in Lokoja and Bassa Local Government Area, Bassa-Komo of Bassa Local Government Area, Gwari, Kakanda, Oworo people(A Yoruba Group), Ogori, Magongo, Idoma and the Eggan community under Lokoja Local Government.
The name Nigeria, was coined in Lokoja by Flora Shaw, the future wife of Baron Lugard, a British colonial administrator, while gazing out at the river Niger .
Kogi State consists of twenty-one (21) local government areas,
- Adavi
- Ajaokuta
- Ankpa
- Bassa
- Dekina
- Ibaji
- Idah
- Igalamela-Odolu
- Ijumu
- Kabba/Bunu
- Koton Karfe
- Lokoja
- Mopa-Muro
- Ofu
- Ogori/Magongo
- Okehi
- Okene
- Olamaboro
- Omala
- Yagba East
- Yagba West
Tourist attractions in Kogi State include the colonial relics (such as Lord Lugard House), the confluence of Rivers Niger and Benue, Ogidi (An African town with formations of Igneous Rock mountains and a traditional art & craft industry) and natural land features.Being a 2-hour drive from Abuja some tourists come for day trips.
Transport and communications
Kogi State connects the Federal Capital Territory with 22 Southern States. Being in close proximity to the federal capital territory, Abuja International Airport serves as the national and international gateway for air travelers from and to the state. Good telecommunications services are available in the state.Agriculture and resources

Mineral resources include coal, limestone, iron, petroleum and tin. The state is home to the largest iron and steel industry in Nigeria known as Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited and one of the largest cement factories in Africa, the Obajana Cement Factory.
Kogi state is home to the Federal University (Lokoja), Kogi State University Anyigba, Federal Polytechnic Idah, Kogi State Polytechnic (Lokoja), Federal College of Education (Okene), College of Education (Ankpa), College of Agriculture Kabba, Kogi state college of education, technical (Kabba) and the Private Salem University, Lokoja. There are a college of nursing and midwifery in Obangede, School of health tech in Idah and ECWA School of Nursing in Egbe.Sports
Kogi State has produced sprinters such as Sunday Bada and other sportsmen, who have contributed to the growth of sports worldwide. Kogi United and Babanawa F.C. are football teams based in the state. Other sports, such as swimming, handball, and table tennis are actively promoted in the state. The Kogi state Sports Council had a track record of Directors and great personnel team Who at one time or the other had worked with the vision of putting the State fully on the world map. Among them are personalities like Mr. Francis Umoru, Mr. Mohammed Emeje, Mr. Benjamin O. Ameje, Mr. A. Ogido, Mr. Joel J. Abu and others.Among other sportsmen produce by the state is Shola Ameobi, an Ayetoro Gbede born Ijumu, English footballer, currently playing for Bolton Wanderers as a striker, late Sunday Bada 400 Metres Olympic Champion from Ogidi in Ijumu Local Govt. of the state.
About Shaibu Adah Mohammed
Am easy going and takes life the way it comes. Very hardworking. Like to meet friends. Likes to support and assist others as much as possible. To me life makes sense to the extent that people around me are happy. I belief in Allah and I struggle to keep to his commandments. I strongly believe that killing of human beings is un islamic and muslims that kill others human beings either moslems or non moslems will certainly face the raft of Allah in both here on earth and on the judgement day
Favorite Quotes
- You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
Mary Pickford (1892–1979)
Canadian actress
Co-founder of United Artists
You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.”
Albert Camus (1913–1960)
French writer
Nobel Prize winner
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